About SBSP

Space Frontier Foundation
Space  Solar Power Project


To create the landscape and conditions for commercial Space Solar Power (SSP) technology by the U.S. to become successful and self-sustaining.

Space Frontier Foundation’s SSP Credo:

  • Strategic investment in SSP today will enable cost-competitive baseload clean energy, helping decrease carbon emissions by 2040, and open massive export opportunities to fuel economic growth.
  • SSP development does not need fundamental scientific breakthroughs. The technology is ready for in-space Now is the time to increase the number, diversity, and pace of space demonstrations by the United States.
  • Developing and deploying commercial SSP is in the U.S.’s immediate national interest. The U.S. needs a whole-of-government and internationally strategic campaign to create a free-world clean power alliance around developing and implementing SSP.

We are a Funded Initiative. Our Key Activities:

  • Educate key stakeholders and build connections between diverse and unconnected beneficiaries
  • Enable congressional involvement through bills and briefings
  • Identify external obstacles to SBSP development and deployment, and raise their profile to enable clarity in problem definition
  • Empower interested commercial and non-commercial parties by representing them and their shared interests
  • Strive to serve as an information nexus in all matters related to SSP

Immediate Focus:

  • Identifying first markets for These are use cases for which SSP is the best and immediate solution to meet a pent up demand that has or will have money to self-sustain.
  • Setup a trade association with a series of organizations to advance the development and deployment of SSP
  • Sustained engagement with private companies, executive departments, congressional offices, Think Tanks, international agencies.

Our Impact as of December 2024:

  • Amended House Bill H.R.2988 to add SSP as an area of study in the Department of Energy and NASA Interagency Research Coordination Hearing at the 28 Min mark here
  • Amended House Bill H.R.6131 to have the Office of Space Commerce and NASA jointly submit a report on Commercial SSP to the Senate and House Committees: Hearing at the 3:15 Hr mark here.
  • Presented on “Harmonizing U.S. Efforts to Commercialize Space Solar Power” at the International Conference for Energy from Space, in London 2024
  • Collaborated with the Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP) to host a SSP workshop at the AI Expo for National Competitiveness D.C., 2024. Professionals from diverse backgrounds were brought together with the objective of increasing the inclusion of space power as an energy option in strategic planning for their organizations.
  • We hosted a successful congressional briefing about SSP on the Hill on September 30, with 50+ staffers in attendance, representing the Arms committee, Energy, Commerce & Science committees.
  • Our latest article on SSP, featured in the POWER energy magazine, showcases its potential to address energy needs across industries like data centers, humanitarian aid, and national security.
  • We are developing language to be included in the National Defense Authorization Act of 2025 to promote the advancement of space solar power.
  • Produced and delivered a transition document for the incoming President and his space team.

Contact Details:

Srikanth Raviprasad, Project Manager

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